🤝 Assignments Collaboration Policies
- Each student is expected to submit their individual assignment.
- You are encouraged to work in groups for your assignments, but you're expected to acknowledge the names of collaborators along with a short description of the types of collaborations being done, at the beginning of each assignment submission.
- Once the discussion is done, you're expected to write up your assignment by yourself. It's NOT allowed to complete the write-up of your assignment while discussing with people (note-taking is ok).
- Generative AI Policy: You may use generative AI tools such as Co-Pilot and ChatGPT, as you would use a human collaborator. This means that you may NOT directly ask generative AI tools for answers or copy solutions. You're required to acknowledge generative AI tools as collaborators and include a paragraph describing how you used the tool. The use of generative AI tools to substantially complete an assignment or exam (e.g., by directly copying) is prohibited and will result in honor code violations. We will be checking students' assignments to enforce this policy.
- Copying or paraphrasing someone's work (code included) or permitting your own work to be copied or paraphrased, even if only in part, is forbidden and will result in a zero grade for the entire assignment in which the copying or paraphrasing was done.
- We will use automated methods to detect overly similar assignment solutions. Suspected violations of academic integrity rules will be handled in accordance with UW guidelines on academic misconduct.